
About the ScreenCraft Development Program

by ScreenCraft - updated on February 24, 2022

Our ScreenCraft Development Program is a special series of consultations that is awarded to winners and select finalists of ScreenCraft's Screenwriting Competitions. The program builds personalized strategies for writers, bridging the gap from where they are when submitting to getting signed with a literary manager and/or agent. Many writers submitting to ScreenCraft’s competitions are curious about what exactly the Development Program includes and who qualifies for it.

So what does it include?

One on One Consultation regarding portfolio and career goals
Writers come from all sorts of backgrounds and experiences and, understandably have different aspirations for their writing career. Whether you want to sign with a rep, produce your own work, or simply improve your craft, the ScreenCraft team will review your current portfolio and background to determine a viable roadmap to put you on the path towards achieving your goals.

Personalized plan of action for which companies, producers, and reps to target
Finding the right fit for your writing or projects can be daunting and confusing. The ScreenCraft team and its network of 100's of agents, managers, executives, producers, and directors, can advise who would be the best fit for you and your work as well as providing the best way to get your work to them.

Sharing your work
Additionally, ScreenCraft is constantly connecting with their existing industry contacts as well as forging new ones to keep tabs on what agencies, studios, producers, and reps are looking for. If you or your projects fit what our contacts are requesting, ScreenCraft will share your work.

Meetings tailored to you
For select winners, ScreenCraft provides a one on one meeting with a respected literary manager and/or executive at a major studio if applicable. Due to COVID, all meetings are now virtual Zoom meetings or phone chat, until further notice.

Who Qualifies?
All grand prize and category winners of our writing competitions qualify for the ScreenCraft Development Program, as well as select finalists based on a variety of factors including writing background, portfolio, and viable interest from the industry. If you have placed as a finalist in a ScreenCraft competition and believe you would benefit from the program, please contact us to see how we can help: [email protected]

Success Stories
Past ScreenCraft winners have been hired by producers, optioned or sold their projects to studios such as Netflix, Lionsgate and Universal Pictures,  and signed with top representatives at CAA, WME, 3 Arts Entertainment, United Talent Agency, Anonymous Content, Paradigm Talent Agency, Untitled, ICM, Bellevue Productions, Lit Entertainment, Writ Large and many others. See more ScreenCraft success stories here.


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