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Announcing the 2018 ScreenCraft Short Screenplay Contest Quarterfinalists

by ScreenCraft on September 14, 2018

We’re excited to feature the scripts listed below that comprise the quarterfinalists of the 2018 ScreenCraft Short Screenplay Contest. With the rise in demand for high-quality short content across new platforms and devices, and the increased industry importance placed on short filmmaking worldwide, we’re honoring the craft of short-form narrative screenwriting via this 4th annual competition, which features a prestigious jury of industry-leading professionals.

This year's jury includes executives from Warner Bros’ stage13, Super Deluxe, Vimeo Staff, and VICE!

Stay tuned for the upcoming announcements of the semifinalists and grand prize winners here and on our Twitter and Facebook pages within the next few weeks!

Without further ado, here are the quarterfinalists:

A Chance In Hell Mychal Sargent
A Good Soaking Lyndol Michael
A Hungry Feeling Jonathon Rodgers
A Jungle Dark Courtney Suttle
A New Suit Matthew Muchka
A Safe Place Kelly Bender
A Second Husband Thomas Britt
A Silence That Haunts Mico montes
A Slight Hesitation Marcus Stricklin
A Well Decorated Corner Sam Kench
Abel's Promise Anthony Crossen
Aboriginal James Beeler
After FX L.A. Singletary
Ageusia Will Schneider
Alibi in the Sky Ryan  Evans
All the Same Whitney Peel
All the Stars Felicia Harder & Duncan Frost
almost Tommy DiMassimo
Always Greener Massimo Chiarella
Ambergris Insa Langhorst
Amendment Belinda Gosbee
Amuse-Bouche Shelly Lipkin
An Agent of Love Joseph Stilwell
An Angel Whispers Jeremy Storey
Arabella Tamim Almousa
Ark Light Kevin Kautzman
At Home Marissa High
At the Edge Suzanne Watts
Augmentation Daniel Sheiman
Babirusas Debra Hill
Bangs Script Roxana Altamirano
Banshee Avalon Alan Sanchez
Battle of the Clays Gajendra Babu Santhanam
Be Advised Tom Hipp
Benched Paulina Domínguez
Benny Liz Felix
Beyond the Palette Ryan Fogle
Big Lips Zlatina Pacheva
Big Things Margaret MacDonald
Bigger Ari Halevy
Birth Mico montes
Black Bird Jessica Hinckle
Black Girl In The Ring Saeed Thomas
Blight Brittany Clemons
Blind Man Bounty Shiva Ramanathan
Blood on the Dance Floor Abhi Jeyakkumar
Blue Ashley Eakin & Noelle Liljedahl
Born Still Ashley Platz
Born to See Kristina Usaite
Bre's Company Mike Peters
Breaking out Mandy Vicsai
Brownie Curtis Adair, Jr.
Bubble Alyssa Lerner
Bucky Jeffrey Doiron
Bumper Sticker Girl Ash Lazer
Bureau 121 Helene Taylor
Call Me Lina Demetris Yiapanis
Carry Tiger to Mountain Rajiv Shah
Charlie Alejandro Parga
Cheater Shaun Ford
Chelenga Neely Kartha
Cherry Trevor Jue
Cherry Pie Dominic Finocchiaro
Child Narco Marco Santiago
Chitlin Michael Clifton
Chloë 'Two Fingers' Lisa Tedesco
Cicadas Aleks Arcabascio
Cinnamon Part One: Gowon's Son Jaimie Boyd
Clinic Joseph Hamilton
Cloned: An Anthology Raymond Jeong
Closure Daniyal N. Khan
Code of the Assassin Joshua Ausley
Come Die With Me Mark Schmitz
Como se Dice Gwendolyn Hulet
Contrast Tramaine Townsend
Conviction Enrique Vasquez
Cough Jay Murray
Country Roads Stephen Bodossian
Crosstown Blaze Julian Hollinger
Dandelion Jacquelyn Quinones
Dawn Christopher Stern
Dead End Cameron Rogers-Hawson
Dear Daughter Lindsey Gudritz
Discontent Marco Gabriel
Discord Helene Taylor & Jax Smith
Do Us Part Isaac Siegemund-Broka
Doggie Christos Kardana
Dolls in the Walls Katherine Cox & Matt McCarthy
Dopplebanger Sofian Khan
Doppler Orlando Torres
Double Tap Junot Lee
Doughboy Cameron Rogers-Hawson
Dr. Hash Josh Smooha
Dream Bus Steven Whisler
Drive On Hallie Berg
Droplet Simon Deeley
Electro William Gilmore
End of the world stories - Mexico Alessandro Pederzoli
Entanglement Mark Harding
Etude Heather Boone
Exile Jeff Mustard
Faith and Defiance Navid Mehraban
Father Figure Edith Cheng
Fiber Lukas Valderrama
Fighting Johnny O'Brian Terrance J. Lynam
Filch Kiran  Deol
Finding Your Way Theo Coppola
Fire Alarm Tyler Gooden
First Kill Norma Knowles-Bastien
Fish Head Marcos Durian
Flight Risk Julian Boote
For Andy Cristhian Andrews
Forever, Your Fireplace Kristina Zill
Four Generations for Nothing Steve Sagovac
Francis Morgan Dwyer
Freezer Elisabeth Watts
Freya Scott Corbett
Freya Sophia Tamaro & Jo Fox
From Nothing Alex Joseph Moskovitz
From the Sun Descendeth Elizabeth Alcorn
Frozen Maya Albanese
Gaslight C. Thomas  Somma
Gelato Katy McClellan
Ghost Roommate David Kopp
Go Your Own Way Adam Harris
Going South Sam Malone
Goldie Locke and the 3 Bears Eric Hansen
Goodnight Death Elsa Levytsky
Grace Peter Szemmelveisz
Grace Olivier Surprenant
Grandma Maxwell Klaiber
Grandpa Elizabeth Kovac
Grandpa Pat Courtney DeStefano
Gun Shy Rachel Barrett
Hacked Future Marat Sarsembayev
Handful of Water James Byrne
Harriet Sarah Mize
Hashtag Chicago Chelsea Clark-James
Head Case Peter Andrews
Heads or Tails Josef Wilke, Jeff Harman
Heartland Monica West
Heaven Is A Place On Earth Danish Aslam
Heliophilia Mia Fiona Kut
Her Own Music Olivia Aleksoski
Home Keren  Green
Home Nir Shelter
Home Warren Saunders
Home Invasion Cedrick May
How to Kill Your Roommate Dave Byer
Hunted Jennifer Salazar
Hyper Real Adam Cosco
I Live Alone, Everyone Does George Snape
I'm Too Small to Bear The Load Alana  Waksman
Icon Joshua Branstetter
Ignored Shaun Radecki
iMemory Jeffrey Kazanjian
In A Beat Natasha Mynhier
In Suspension Amara Mesnik
In The People's Republic Antonio Solorzano
Inappropriate James McNally
Infiltrated Justin Bregman
Infirno Ryan Curtis
InPerson Samuel Sullivan
Inside James Boyle
It's OK. He's Friendly. Brian Menz
Jess Mark Flood
Joey Patricia Tabb
Johnny Jump Up Shiva Ramanathan
JoJo Dreams in Black and White Alex Haney
Judgement Day Jacob Davison
Juggernaut Michael Goyert
Just Another Day Jeb Brantner
Just Between Us Pamela Perry
Just Me Darcy Bahensky
Justified Righteousness Peter Gazdag
Kaching! Craig Paulsen
Kahuna Rich Figel
Kaya Catherine Fordham
La La Land of Shame Erin Greider
Lady Justice Saray Deiseil
Landslide Matt Brutsche
Last Dance Brett Warkentien
Last Supper William Gilmore
Laughter House Abril Carpio Marion
Lavender Days Tiffany Clark
Lenny vs. The Norwegian Dragons Sam Suksiri
Let Flow Jaclyn Gramigna
Let Go Matt Brothers
Liberty Gal Saviana Stanescu
Lies, Hamburgers and Cufflinks Gustavo Freitas
Life After Carrie Certa
Life's a Pitch Richard Geiwitz
Like Father Like Son Massimiliano Sappa
Little Icarus Irene Herbruger
Locked Away Jeremy Frazier
Locker Keys Garrett Ratcliff
Lollipops Ivo Huahua
Long Point Emily Pasternak
Lost and Found Riley Campbell
Lotus & Jazmine Afnan Linjawi
Louella Erin Cantelo
Love at Death Depot Jake Hansen
Love At Last Chance Zander Jones
Lucinda and the Fish Keith Elias
Lumino Floyd Rock
Mail Witch Xiaoyu Duan
Make Peace Riccardo Costa
Manifestations of Violet Alisha Hnatjuk
Manjhi's Mountain Nevin Millan
Marching Towards Golgotha Jordan Hill
Mary Tries to Get a Piece Eric Vasallo
Meangan Ben Morton
Meet Me Someplace Better Daniel Strauss
Melody's Murder Cody  Young
Memory Lane Sherrill Schmidt
Mental State Belton DeLaine-Facey
Methodism in Middle America Trey Leonard
Metronome Scott Lochmus
Mighty Max Brandon Shaw
milkshake. Laura McIntosh
Mirage Craig Paulsen
Miranda of Mind Bianca Ahonor
Mischievously Cupid DD Goldberg
Moment Of Clarity Tony Tambi
Motivational Killer Ryan Smith
My Baby is a Bike Helmet Julia Dixon
My Love Eric Gable
Nacho Date Alexandra Keister
Nai (Milk) Michelle Ang & Alex Chu
Naked Ambition Candice Edwards-Marchrones
Native Land, Rising Sun Short Screenplay Ren Hanami
Nearer, My God, To Thee Peter Jones
New Utopia Waylon Bacon
Night of the Shtriga DD Goldberg
No God at Night Amanda Quintos
Nocturne James Meerdter
North Star P.J. Palmer
Nothing Left R. Cadell Cook, II
Nothing Left to Lose Paul-Anthony Anselmo
Obeisance Part One Daniel Wolff
Obi Wiley McCain
Offline Kate Kelsen
Okay Annex, Tricia Lee
Oleanders Tonia Kempler
On My Own Aadip Desai
One Fine Morning William Fowler
Orchy Cups Angela Blake
Our Father Francesca Nider
Out Damn Spot Elise Brown
Outlaw's Bounty Brian Sheets
Outta the Blue Trudi Kennedy
Over the Pond Quique Rivera
Past Partum Jeffrey Howe
Perent Match Kenny Heidt
Perpetual Valhalla Travis Davidson
Phantom War Scott Jeschke & Micah McFarland
Picnic at the end of the World Chris Dumbleton
Piece & Quiet Michael de Silva
Pieces or A West Hollywood Club Called Rage Chris Phillips
Piper & Thomas Jenny Curtis & Kuali'i Wittman
Poacher Hunter Mychal Sargent
Postcards from Waco Rod Kashani
Pregnant Roaches and Fast Mice Gary Graham
Progeny Anthony Weintraub
Puppy Love Marnie Mahannah
Raw Drake Shannon
Reach Out and Touch Someone Penelope Karageorge
Recreate Adam Lieberman
Rectitude Or Justice Lewis Reckline II
Red & Green Jermaine T. Jackson
Red October Josh Bartolome
Reel Life Jeremy  Span
Resurrecting Maria Rani DeMuth
Revolution Jack Varvill
Rideshare Lila Newman
Rinds Faye Viviana
Roam Hector Martinez & Alex Fernandez
Robbery Sin Long Kai
Roboh Allan George
Robotomy Michael Pizzano
Rogers and Tilden Henry Hayes
Rollers Jean Estevez
Sabina Nicole Starrett
Saint. Sinner. J. Franklin Evans
Samuel's Garden Tony Boncza
Scarlett Ocean Clark
Scuffed Staci Truskosky
Seeing The Light Bronwyn King
Sensory Che Rucker
Sergio: A Scorpion's Tale Shaun Radecki
SHARK Leigh Cantero
Shazia Dilshad Vadsaria
Shredders Michael James Dean
Signal Chloe Hung
Simple Bryan Benson
Sinner Peter Szemmelveisz
Sip of Illusion Leah Baxter
Skarnen Tim Archibald
Sky Burial Terry Selucky
Slots A Commuters' Fantasy Anthony Povah
Snowflakes Jess Mazza
Sophie's Promise Terry Coffey
Soul Skin Keren Green
Speechless Larina Warnock
Spider Bloom Emmy Haskett
Springerle Finley Mulligan
Stage Five Alexandra Timmer
Star of David Sydney Deeter
Stardust Mariana Camacho
Stereotypes Pietro Baragiola
Sticks and Stones Laura Inkpen
Subunderstood Jack Heyden
Summer Games Marcellus Clemmons
Sundown County Victor Ridaura
Sunset Snake Lies Andrew Wainner
Swamplands: "Immortal Song" Ryan Fogle
Swamplands: "My Son's Killer" Ryan Fogle
T.G.I.F. Arthur Menko
Taking 'A' Piss Kyle Strauts
Talk Me Down Tamim Almousa
Ten Minutes in the Life of a Single Working Mother Jeryl Maglio
That Girl Is Poison Jessica DiGiacinto
The Accompanist Frederick Keeve
The Astronaut Joey Connolley
The Badge, The Gun, and The Hangman’s Noose Edward Santiago
The Book Lovers Linda Niccol
The Border Tom Levesque
The Brain In The Woods Adam Makarenko
The Champion and the Legend Maurizio Lai
The Color of Us Ryan Fogle
The Conqueror Worm Gerald Large
The Cronus Program David Oster
The Day He Blinked the World Away (Blink) Joseph Vranas
The Dead Girl Garrett Foster
The Discarded James Boyce
The Doe James Kautz
The Doll Chris Walkley
The Employee Charles Harding
The Eulogy Project Cindy Heath
The Eyes James Beliard
The Five Fingers of the Devil Lucia Braccalenti
The Forest Boy Jason Morillo
The Forest Fenced Becomes Backyards, Like Songs Are Born From Sound Ryan M. Moore
The Foster Elliot Seidel
The Fridge Dianna Craig
The Game Master Mike Whitcher
The Gazebo Richard Willett
The Great Kopycinski Susannah Hunt
The Headless Woman Daniel Caradec
The Healing of Neal Owens Matt Hopper
The Hero Lori Ochsner
The House on Carter Road Shawn Gerrard
The Invisible Monster Gordon LePage
The Karma of Bocce Duncan Putney
The Key Darek Cioch
The Kilima Chain Josh Folan
The Knight of Nogales Jason McCausland
The Last Human Jeffrey Gerein
The Last Librarian in Raqqa Laila Ujayli
The Last Round T. O. Reuben
The Ledge Joel Karlinsky
The Lesson Duncan Putney
The Light Tony Ferrendelli
The Little Astronaut Brody McKinnon
The Lunch Arthur Wooten
The Morning Glory of Saint Winwaloe V.C. Lennox
The Mother Load Talia Osteen
The Neighborhood Watch Chelsea  Farmer
The One Upstairs Jonathan Wymer
The Oracle of Del Phi Katrina Duclos
The Parrot Adrienne Kohler
The Partisan Harry Greenberger
The Peculiar Case Of The Bolted Canister Shiva Ramanathan
The Proposal Charles Lo Manto
The Red Stuff Brad  Vance
The Redemption of Frank Malone Mary Goldman
The Reflectors Ryan Fogle
The Rubicon Aminah Hughes
The Scribe TV Digital Alicia Norman
The Shepherd's Wolves Jonathan Parker
The Thousand-yard Stare Peter Gazdag
The Tug of War Aaron Sweetman
The Wind Janae Green & Maria Mitchell
The Zit Mark Landry
These Four Walls Kendra Frederick
Things That Fall Sy Huq
This Mortal Coil Andrea Ashton
This New West Ryan Evans
Thus Passes the Glory of the World Robert Bowman
Ticker Kaycee Hughes
Tin Star Garrett Ratcliff
To Hear From You Charles Hopkins
To The Dead Sea Philip Hogan
Together Ryan Still
Tomorrow Brittanie Maddox
Torn Lily Cheng
Transplant Leah Sarbib
Traps Tyler Gooden
Trauma Kaycee Hughes
Trophy Ben Gottlieb
Tuesday Megan Carroll
Tunnel Reflection Masahiro Onodera
Twenty Questions Arla Bowers
Un Homme and a Lady Mitch Yapko
Unconditional Eva Sylvestre
Violet Rafael Gamboa
Viral Nicholas  Denton
Virtually Fine Gil Saint
Voices James Beeler
Wa Wa Amy Wang
Wall Erin Cantelo
Wet Rot Stuart Creque
What's Normal? J. Ernesto Dominguez
Whatever Happened to Muffin Robert Frankel
When All the Animals Are Gone Jason Thompson
When Kingdom Falls: Dark Angel Daniel Jituboh
Where dead ships dwell Maka'ala Atkins
Where the Wires Lead Jason Huls
Whistler's Mother Robbie Robertson
White Knight Katya Delaney
White-Collar Crime for Kids Jason Petrovitch
Whose Son Are You? Michael Ouzas
Why I Stay Elizabeth Shiller
Wildin' Out Devin Haqq
Winter Winds Joshua Yi
You Will Die of Cheese Shannon Strong
Your Insides Vanessa Branch
Zane Is Back Matthew Mendez
Zero T Camila Ohara Tanabe

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