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2019 ScreenCraft Cinematic Book Competition Quarterfinalists Announced

by ScreenCraft on January 8, 2020

Listed below are the quarterfinalists of the 2019 ScreenCraft Cinematic Book Competition, selected from over 1,200 submissions. We’re excited to be exploring these excellent books and to have received a slate of compelling works.

This year's jury is comprised of literary agents from  The Gersh Agency, United Talent Agency, and 3 Arts Entertainment.

Stay tuned for the upcoming announcement of the semifinalists, finalists and winners here and on our Twitter and Facebook pages within the next few weeks!

If you’d like to receive a notification when this contest re-opens for entries in 2020, you can subscribe for updates via Coverfly here.

Here are the quarterfinalists:

A Blessed Life: One World War II Seabee's Story Tamra Bolton
A Child of Fortune Rob Wright
A Dream for Love Lisa Belcastro
A Field of Red Greg Enslen
A Harvest of Thorns Mario Carini
A Knife in the Fog Bradley Harper
A Man's Face Barbara Roman
A Perfect Storm Juliana Feaver
A Scarcity of Condors Suanne Laqueur
A Town of Lost Things Alice Irvin
A Trail of Blood peter Goldman
Abandoned In Hell Marvin Wolf
Abraham's Burden Joseph Crew
Act on the Heart Genie Bernstein
Age Matters Peggy Dougherty
Alien Ways David Rank
ALIENS! ALIENS! ALIENS!: Chronicles Of The Seventh Reign Safdar Muttaqi
All of These Secrets Elaine H MacDonald
American War Chief Bryan Ney
An Audience for Einstein Mark Wakely
And Then They Were Gone: Teenagers of Peoples Temple from High School to Jonestown Judy Bebelaar
Anna Incognito Laura Preble
Annaliese From Off Lindy Carter
Anniversary Get Away Janet R. Sady
Anvil of God Joe Gleason
Any Summer Sunday at Nacho Mama's Patio Cafe :  Drag, Songs, Friends, Laughs, Lies, Danger & Redemption Steven Schatz
ARC Dirk Walvoord
Arcadia Alexander Plansky
As Wings Unfurl Arthur Doweyko
Atomic City Terror: Curse of the Murderous Dummy Michael  Laemmle
Bad Dad KK Wootton
Bamboozle: A Poker Mystery James Magner
Barrel: Soul of a Migrant Brijanand Goberdhan
Barstow David Esselstrom
Beauty and the Freak Jackie Bateman
Becoming JiJi David R Yale
Becoming Mrs. Astin Sarah Deitch
Before the Court of Heaven Jack Mayer
Before We Died Joan Schweighardt
Bemused, Confused, and Bedazzled Edythe Wise
Betsy and The Emperor Staton Rabin
Beyond Beauport James Masciarelli
Beyond the Code Kelsey Barthel
Black Mountain Veny Armanno
Blue Moon Lori Handeland
Brain XP: Living with Mental Illness, A Young Teenager's Perspective Christine Marie Frey
Bronx Stagger: Tales of The Family Court Daniel Moskowitz
Bucket's List Anonymous
Burned: How Monaco Framed Me for the Fiery Death  of Billionaire Edmond Safra Ted Maher
Busara Road novel David Sanders
Bycatch Sally Asante
Calumet City Charlie Newton
Can't Buy Me Love Dan McNeil
Caravaggio: A Light Before The Darkness Ken Mora
Celtic Knot: A Clara Swift Tale Ann Shortell
Chance and Consequence Sylvia Smoller
Charlie Miner/Down Solo Earl Javorsky
Chief of Station John Shea
Children of a Deviant God ILdefonso Paez
Children of the Fifth Sun Gareth Worthington
Christmasville (Book I of the Christmasville Trilogy) Michael Dutton
Circus of the Absurd James O'Leary
Class Action Ted  Wolfe & Manuel Palomo
Complex Mary Kennedy
Cowboy Code Louella Bryant
Dachshund Caper N Jean Osborn
Daeios: 140 Feet Down Colleen Eccles Penor
Dancing with the Devil Gretchen Rose
Deadly Links Paul Murphy
Death and Honesty Cynthia Riggs
Death Benefits Jerome Mandel
Death by the River Alexandrea Weis & Lucas Astor
Death of The Queen of Hearts Roman Clay
Deep Steal Mike Seares
Down Among the Dead Men: In the Rafferty & Llewellyn British Mystery Series Geraldine Evans
Down at the Golden Coin Kim Strickland-Sargent
Drink to Every Beast Joel Burcat
Drive Susan Strecker
Failure to Appear:  Resistance, Identity and Loss, A Memoir Emily Freeman
Falling Silver Anne Maclachlan
Fantastik C. A.  McGroarty
Floating in the Neversink Andrea Simon
Forks, Knives, and Spoons Leah DeCesare
Forty Thorns, Wife of the Turkish Revolution Judy Light Ayyildiz
Free Falling Man John Montgomery
From The Ruins Ronnie Lee Graham
Furious Jeffrey Higgins
Getaway Day Ken White
Gifts of the Sky Warrior Noel Justice
God of Desolation Ulvrik "Wolf" Kraft
God's Playground Cheryl Skory Suma
Grimm House Karen McQuestion
Groundbreaker: Coming of Age in the First Class of Women at the United States Air Force Academy Anne Fletcher
Heart-Scarred Theo Czuk
Heartbreak and Rage: Ten Years Under Sun Myung Moon, A Cult Survivor's Memoir Gordon Neufeld
Hellbowl, Nevada Jason Lerner
High-Rise Blood David Gaherty
Ho Ho Ho Ulvrik "Wolf" Kraft
Hollow Worlds Alliance Book 1 Saving Sumac Bernard T.  Ranson
House Devoid of Love P Arthur Townsend
How Well the Sailors Run Samuel Cronin
Humanity: Devolved Greyson Ferguson
Hysterical Love Lorraine Devon Wilke
I Am Venus Barbara Mujica
In All Things Marta Curti
In the Time of Spirits Beth Ford
Infants of the Brush: A Chimney Sweep's Story A. M. Watson
Intoxicating Tango: My Years in Buenos Aires Cherie Magnus
ISAN (International Sensory Assassin Network) Mary Ting
It Takes Death to Reach a Star Stu Jones & Gareth Worthington
JDP Ron Burch
Jihadi Bride Alastair Luft
Jinxed Thommy Hutson
Josie Susan Lowe
Kabirizi's Revenge Mike H. Mizrahi
Kept in the Dark Charlie Cochet
Key to Savannah Hope Callaghan
Lady of the House Linda Sturgeon
Lanz & Gwenhevre: Love Against the Tide Jean-Jacques Jura
Legacy of War Ed Marohn
Lenore's Last Funeral Joshua Donellan
Lilith Land Colleen Markley
Lonely Voices The Complete Collection Brandon Lovin
Lost in the Hall of the Mountain King Melinda Meyer
Love is Louder Susan Hahn
Love's Alchemy: a John Donne Mystery Bryan Crockett
Majik Mary Fancher
Malawi's Sisters Melanie Hatter
Mara Kincaid & The Wishing Gate Bridge Neil Chase
Margaret Changes Britain John McGrath
Marina & the Science Club Maria Sideris-Ishimaru
Mayan Interface Pat Perrin
Memory Road Martin McSweeney
Mijo John McCarney
Mink Eyes Dan Flanigan
Minyan: Ten Jewish Men in a World That is Heartbroken Eliezer Sobel
Moral Code Lois Melbourne
Moral Reasons Mark McConaughey
Murph Leanna Adams
My Family and Other Embarrassments Jackie Marchant
My So-Called Ruined Life Melanie Bishop
My whorizontal Life: An Escort's Tale  Book One Sephe  Haven
Nineteen Forty-Three DeAlexander Clarke
No Color but the Light Daria Polichetti
Novus Arcanum Michael Maxwell
Once Upon a Mulberry Field C. L.  Hoang
One Good Eye One Bad Elizabeth Bevilacqua
Outlaws Allen Cody
Painted Oxen Thomas Qualls
Paradox, Utah Miriam Murcutt
Passage From Stockholm Gene Lassers
Persephone Underground Jennifer Russon
Queens of the Flowers: Memories of a Puerto Rican Girl Delia Cerpa
Rani Sathish Easwaralingam
Raptor Canyon Andrew Baldwin
Raven's Plan Valerie Kime
Real Girl Christopher Stollar
Red Danube David Gluck
Redemption's Blood Chris Webb
Reenu-You Michele Berger
Remedy For a Broken Angel Toni Ann Johnson
Resistance Music Thomas Barnes
Richly Drawn Ulvrik "Wolf" Kraft
Road Kill. A Love Story Jefferson Moody
Runaways Rachel Sawden
Safari Alexander Plansky
Saint Wycliffe of Miami Classic wycliffe tyson
Sanguinity Point Peter Palmieri
Savannah Gothic Paul Foley
Saving Bobby: Heroes and Heroin in One Small Community Renee Hodges
Saving Sophie Debbie Schrack
Scarlette: A Gothic Folktale Davonna Juroe
Scenes From The Siege of Doblina Michael Beiriger
Scratch Line Deb Merino
Seen JG Delegal
Send Patty Blount
Sentencing Silence Kathleen Cecilia Nesbitt
Sentimental Surgery Jorge Saralegui
Serinda - Justinian and Theodora Daniel Cirignani
Sex and Samosas Jasmine Aziz
Shadow Masque Nancy Geyer
Sherlock Holmes' Lost Adventure: The True Story of the Giant Rats of Sumatra Lauren Steinhauer
Silent Reaping P.D. Platt
Situations Angela Goulene
Sleep Or Swim Hannah Martin
Solarra: Portal Immortal Val Tiemann
Someone to Watch Over Me Robert McKean
Soul Catcher Colin Kersey
Speak No Evil Liana Gardner
Still Come Home Katey Schultz
Sun,  Sand and Single. An American Woman in Saudi Arabia 1960-62 Nancy Gray
Swimming With Scorpions Gary Levi
T.O.R.N.: There's Only Right Now Ampora Yazdani
Temper, CA Paul Skenazy
Tendrils of War John Sizemore
Texas Yankee; Homecoming Jerry Orange
The 99th Monkey: A Spiritual Journalist's Misadventures with Gurus, Messiahs, Sex, Psychedelics and Other Consciousness-Raising Experiments Eliezer Sobel
The Accidental Anarchist Bryna Kranzler
The Adventures of Isaiah Ollenu Esquire To Be Paula Lennon
The Adventuress Lisa Orr
The Aikido Sensei and Spook LaRue Robert Gumpertz
The Assisi Dennis  Maulsby
The Autopsy of Planet Earth Robert Emery
The B Stream Darren Searle
The Back Nine Michael Alcorn
The Bittersweet Quest of Gilbert Reyes Michael Pearson
The Blue Climbing Sun
The Bounty Huntress John Riha
The Brotherhood of Necessity Stephen Anastasi
The Bunkhouse Troy Abell
The Cavern Apryl Lopez
The Confectionery Sun Julie Morin
The Cupcake Phase Frankie Mars
The Curse of the Romanovs Staton Rabin
The Desire Card Lee Matthew Goldberg
The Devil's Book Frost McGahey
The Devil's Tree Susan McCauley
The Druid Stephen Anastasi
The Earthquake Doll Candace Williams
The End of the Alamo Anonymous
The Epsilon Project: Fall Graham Elder & Laura Cody
The Ex-Mexican Wives Club Arleen Williams
The Exile's Atlas Sally Younger
The Funnies Paul Mendelson
The Gargouille Xander Bailey
The Gender Experiment L.J. Sellers
The God Squad: A Spoof on the Ex-Gay Movement Rik Isensee
The Guardian Jim Gourley
The Gumshoe, the Witch, and the Virtual Corpse Keith Hartman
The House on Xenia Rita Moreau
The Immortal Gene Jonas Saul
The Inheritants Kirsty Mackmurdie
The Jump Artist Austin Ratner
The Juncture D.C. Lozar
The Key to the Highway Allyson Rice
The Knotted Gun Mary Vettel
The Last Axe Kate Piersanti
The Last Class Action Daniel Karon
The Listening Post:  A Daughter, A Father, A War Becky Ellis
The Longest Halloween, Book Three: Gabbie del Toro and the Mystery of the Warlock's Urn Frank Wood
The Lost and Found Jami Gan
The Monkey Idol Kay McNiven
The Mountain Eagle: A Novel of Alfred Hitchcock Adam  Philips
The Mystery of the Ming Connection Crystal Sharpe
The Night Weaver Monique Snyman
The Pillars of Coral Gables Linda Davis
The S Word Paolina Milana
The Scythian Trials Elizabeth Isaacs
The Secret Keepers Chrissy Lessey
The Shiva Syndrome Alan Joshua
The Snow Queen's Daughter Patricia Schwarz
The Stillness, The Dancing Debby Mayer
The Uniform G Gruen
The Watchman's Children Thomas Barnes
The White Field Douglas Cole
The Woodcutter Kate Danley
The Xenologist Christine Daigle
The Zygan Emprise Trilogy Yolanda Reid
These Bloodstained Stones Esther Tenenbaum
Thirty Below Harry Groome
This Is How I Save My Life: From California to India, a True Story Of Finding Everything When You Are Willing To Try Anything Amy Scher
This Is the Dead Land Chelsea Judy
Three Ways to Disappear Katy Yocom
Through Violet Eyes Stephen Woodworth
Throwing Stones Robin Reardon
Thy Neighbor's Wife Alex Ferrar
Time Trials: H333 John Allyn
Time Warp Acid Martin Hoerchner
Today is the Day Deborah Curtin
Toro! Frank Schwalbe
Total Vision Letisha Simen
Touched with Fire Christopher Datta
Trapped Kavitha Mandana
Trapped by Light and Shadow J. R . Burnett
Trout Rising Kevin Naughton
Tsunami Cowboys Jadi Campbell
Tuki Banjo, Superstar Ocean  Palmer
Unfinished Business Anne Simonet
Up North Abena Sankofa
Veil of Secrecy Margaret Franceschini
Violent Violet Sara Gray
Walk Until Sunrise Jade J. Maze
War Serenade Jill Wallace
We Are All Wolves Noah Mullette-Gillman
We... who are not real Ulvrik "Wolf" Kraft
Web of Titans Adam Perin
WeToo: Saving the Men Who Hurt Us to Save Ourselves Caprice Haverty
Whatever Became of Sin? Barbara Roman
When Mr. L Came to Town Kathleen Ann Buloch
Where the Sun Rises Suzanne Strong
Whispered Truth, A novel based on true events of abuse, forgiveness and hope Cindy L.  Smith
Who Killed Buster Sparkle? John Bateman
Why They Stay: Sex Scandals, Deals, and Hidden Agendas of Nine Political Wives Anne Michaud
Will Rhypen:  Couples Counselor Janan Platt
Word is Bone Christopher Rosales
Worthy Porsha Pogue
Wunderland Les Zig

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